Special Assembly on Go Green and Say No To Plastic
With the motive of Go-Green and Say no to Plastic Sant Nirankari Public School, Faridabad organized a special assembly on 25th July 2018 for classes IX to XII under the guidance of Manager Mr. N.S. Chauhan , L.M.C. Member Mr. S.P. Malhotra and Headmistress Ms. Mamta Arora, in the school auditorium .
The assembly was hosted by Teena of class IXth , who started the programme with a brief introduction of the day . One should plant trees and reduce the use of plastics , was the message which was delivered by Harsh of class Xth in the form of poem . Navya of class IXth delivered a speech on Go Green. She shared her views and emphasised on growing and taking care of trees , as we cannot buy them. The message was also delivered in the form of NUKKAD NATAK and a play in which students showed the comparison between the condition of Earth in 1970 and 2010 and they emphasized on using paper bags/ cloth bags instead of plastic bags . Students of class XII also presented a beautiful song themed stop cutting trees.
The event was concluded by the blessings of our Manager Mr. N.S. Chauhan in which he told students that they should not cut trees and try to grow more trees to live a healthy and happy life and avoid using plastic bags as they pollute the environment.